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Canine MRSA
Canine MRSA – (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus)

Canine MRSA

The prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcal species infections in animals is increasing, and this is no longer an “uncommon” finding in clinical practice.

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Top 10 Most Popular Dogs in Canada 2016
Top 10 Most Popular Dogs in Canada for 2016

Top 10 Most Popular Dogs in Canada 2016

Wondering about the most common dogs in Canada? Perhaps thinking about a new dog for your family? Here is a list of the most popular dog breeds in Canada compiled by Global News

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Atopic Dermatitis – Treatment Options
Atopic Dermatitis – Treatment Options

Atopic Dermatitis – Treatment Options

Treat infections – Before doing anything else, it is essential to clear up secondary infections. Secondary infections involve bacteria and yeast.

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The Truth About Raw Food
The Truth About Raw Food

The Truth About Raw Food

Feeding pets raw food has surged, creating an industry of raw diets and exclusive stores, driven by beliefs in added health benefits beyond standard pet foods.

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All About Dog Anal Sacs
More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Anal Sacs

All About Dog Anal Sacs

Many people own pets for years without ever learning that anal sacs exist at all, and the wive’s tale that worms cause scooting erroneously continues.

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Leptospirosis – Signs and Symptoms
Leptospirosis – Signs and Symptoms

Leptospirosis – Signs and Symptoms

Leptospirosis is a disease that can affect human and animals, including your pets. All animals can potentially become infected with leptospirosis.

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Wound Healing Part 1, 2, and 3
Wound Healing Part 1, 2 and 3

Wound Healing Part 1, 2, and 3

Out pets’ skin in composed of layers similar to ours: the epidermis on the outside, the dermis below; the subcutis below that; and fat and muscle below that.

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FAS in Cats, What it Looks Like
FAS in Cats: Do You Know What it Looks Like?

FAS in Cats, What it Looks Like

Our very talented and very own Veterinary Assistant Robyn has drawn some crazy characters.  See if you can identify these characteristics in her artwork.

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Orthotics and Prosthetics For Pets
Orthotics and Prosthetics For Pets

Orthotics and Prosthetics For Pets

Orthotics and prosthetics for pets are increasingly common, available to certain patients based on specific circumstances and physical needs.

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Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Kiss Your Dog
Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Kiss Your Dog

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Kiss Your Dog

In our clinic, we see varied pet interactions, from slobbery kisses from Great Danes to using hand sanitizer after touching a kitten's head.

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Dermatitis in Dogs Diagnosis & Treatment
Atopic Dermatitis in Dog – Signs, Diagnosis & Treatment

Dermatitis in Dogs Diagnosis & Treatment

Atopic dermatitis in dogs (allergic dermatitis, canine atopy) is a hypersensitivity or over-reaction to a variety of commonplace and otherwise harmless substances.

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Osteosarcoma in Dogs
Osteosarcoma in Dogs by Dr. Chris MacDonald

Osteosarcoma in Dogs

An x-ray of Bogart’s front limb showed changes in the bone that were very suggestive of bone cancer. A starburst appearance and lysis of the bone was obvious.

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